Monday, September 12, 2016

2016 Camp Seahorse has been canceled due to low number of registrations

Unfortunately, there were not enough girls registered for camp this year so Camp Seahorse has been canceled.

Friday, August 19, 2016

Camp Seahorse 2016
Girls in 4th and 5th grade are invited to attend Camp Seahorse.  The girls will learn about their strengths, then learn and practice strategies to deal with bullying and mean girls. 
The goal of these 4 afternoons is for the girls will develop a healthy self concept and a set of interpersonal skills to use in everydy life.  During the time between meetings, the girls will have a chance to practice what they have learned, see what works for them and then come back to share with the others what they have discovered. 

Camp Details
     We will engage in fun activities, games, and discussions.  We will view various forms of media to help participants understand that girls as they are portrayed on TV, in magazines and in movies are not always realistic.  They will develop personal affirmations and bracelets will be made as reminders of these.  Each girl will be given a journal in which they can write, draw, etc. between meetings.  These can be, do not have to be, shared during the Seahorse Huddle.     

     My plan is to make the time at Camp Seahorse comfortable for the girls.  There will be opportunities to share experiences and ideas and to brainstorm with each other.  The girls will not be forced to share if they are uncomfortable with an issue being discussed.  They will learn that they are not alone in their feelings and concerns.             

     Having worked in middle school and elementary school, I have seen how hard it is for some girls to deal with some of the things that other girls do and say.  My hope for this camp experience is that the girls will gain the knowlege and confidence that they have

  •   learned and practiced a set of skills that will help them deal with "Mean Girls", and even with "friends".  
  •   developed a network of girls that they can reach out to in times of need.
  •   the strength and the know-how to handle themselves under pressure from others.

I will consider providing Transportation to camp from Clemmons area schools if necessary.

Friday, May 6, 2016

Camp Seahorse is back in 2016!

Due to popular demand, I am pleased to announce that Camp Seahorse  is being offered during the school year in 2016.  The camp will be held from 1 pm to 6 pm on the first three WSFCS early release days (Sept. 14, Oct. 5 and Oct.19) with the last day on the teacher workday on November 8.  The format will be similar to the previous camps.  More information will follow.  

Sunday, February 9, 2014


The dates and times for Camp Seahorse 2015  are August 3 through 7 from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm.  The enrollment limit is 10 campers.  Early registration (on/before July 3) tuition is $125.00.  Regular tuition (after July 3 ) is $150.00.

Having worked as a school counselor for over 20 years, I am aware of the trials and tribulations that students go through on a daily basis at school, in the community and in social media.  While these issues may seem insignificant to adults, students sometimes feel that it is the worst thing ever.  Girls can be especially tough on each other.

At Camp Seahorse, my plan is to teach girls strategies to help them deal with some of the issues in such a way that they feel empowered and confident rather than belittled and timid.  We will use role-plays and "What if..." scenarios in order for them to feel comfortable with the strategies. We will practice regularly.  I will send home information about the strategies so that they can practice. With more practice, the better they will be at using them when (if) needed.

It is important for girls to have a positive self image in order to feel comfortable standing up to the issues they sometimes face.  This will be one of the first things we work on at camp, as well as throughout the week.  We will discuss and debunk the unrealistic images seen on TV, movies, and social media that project the way girls are "supposed" to look.

I am always on the look out for new and different ways to influence girls in a positive way.  So, though the substance will not change, the methods may change.  Please contact me if you have any questions or suggestions.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Successful 2014 Camp Seahorse

 Camp Seahorse 2014 was a SUCCESS!  The girls were fun and easy to converse with.  The first two days of each session were spent discussing and looking at media representation of females and discovering the campers' strengths.   Then we watched the American Girl movie, Chrissa Stands Strong, and learned from her mistakes that it is important to talk to someone as soon as possible if you are being bullied.  We learned and practiced strategies for dealing with mean girl "stuff" and bullying.  The girls created puppet shows depicting the use of the strategies learned.  Those can be viewed n the Yellow Brick Road Therapy Center Facebook page.

I have had very positive comments from the parents of this year's participants.  I hope to have references soon for those interested in next year's camp.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

How can Camp Seahorse help?

"What's wrong with me?"
"Why is she so mean to me?"
"What did I ever do to her?"
"I can't go to school stomach hurts."
"She was my friend yesterday.  Now she hates me."
"She made her stop being my friend."

These are the kinds of questions and comments with which Camp Seahorse can help.  The goal of the week is to teach girls how to deal with the whispers, looks, sneers and snubs that can happen anywhere: at school, dance class, on line, by phone, etc. If you have any questions, please call or email me.  I welcome any communication.  If I do not answer your call, please leave a message and I will return your call as soon as I can.
Susan Twyman

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Pictures from Camp Seahorse 2012

Please see other posts for information about Camp Seahorse 2013.

Enjoying refreshments during discussion

Working on an assignment

Group discussions

Having fun with crafts

A quick glimpse of our end of the week celebration.  Yes, there were more people there...I was just busy and didn't get a chance to take more pictures.  We had all 4  girls plus two moms, one dad and some brothers and sisters in attendance.  We had refreshments, showed the girls' work, played games and, those who wanted  to, rode on the paddle boat in the lake you see in the background.  A good time was had by all.